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You have 14 days to return any unopened products.  We will gladly refund your money less original shipping charges*.  Customer must pay return shipping charges.

However, you must first call customer service at 1-877-805-BAGS (2247) or send an e-mail to to request an RMA.  If sending an e-mail, please write "Return" in the header and include the following information in the body of the e-mail:
  • Order Number
  • Items to be Returned
  • Name
  • Phone Number
Once we receive your request, we will send you an e-mail with an RMA number and instructions on how to ship the product back to us.  Once we receive the products in good condition, we will promptly refund your money using your original purchase method.

Regretfully, after 14 days we cannot accept returns under any circumstances.

* Note: If you received your order under a "free shipping" promotion, the shipping charges we incurred to ship you our products will be subtracted from your total refund.